Ill-health related job losses have an impact on employee, employer and the wider economy. The UK government has launched a consultation paper to:
“seek views on different ways in which government and employers can take action….”
Proposals include widening the rules on workplace modifications, and extending Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) to low earners (currently, it is only paid to those in excess of £118 per week).
Other proposals include:
- Introducing a sick pay rebate for small and medium employers, to help them support individuals with disabilities or long-term conditions to return to work.
- Pro-rating SSP to enable employees to have a phased return to work without being financially worse off.
- Strengthening statutory guidance to aid employers to take “early, sustained and proportionate steps” to support a sick employee to return to work, before that employee can be fairly dismissed on the grounds of ill health.
- Improving access to occupational health providers – by co funding or introducing vouchers for smaller employers.
The consultation ends on October 7 2019.
For further information visit “health is everyone’s business“.