Author: Victoria Laidler
When flexibility is one-sided: your views
The UK Government is concerned about one-sided flexibility in the workplace. Following recommendations made in the Taylor Review and by the Low Pay Commission (LPC), it has launched a consultation to ascertain whether around 1.7 million workers without guaranteed hours should have more protection. The LPC found misuse of flexible working arrangements by some employers,
Health in the workplace is everyone’s business
Ill-health related job losses have an impact on employee, employer and the wider economy. The UK government has launched a consultation paper to: “seek views on different ways in which government and employers can take action….” Proposals include widening the rules on workplace modifications, and extending Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) to low earners (currently, it
Sexual harassment in the workplace: more legislation for employers?
The UK Government Equalities Office has published a consultation paper to help decide whether further legislation is required. The proposals cover: Prevention of sexual harassment at work Third party sexual harassment Volunteers and Interns It also questions whether the three-month tribunal time limit for Equality Act cases is sufficient. There are already strong laws set
Spot Checks by The Pensions Regulator (TPR)
Employers – are you meeting your workplace pension automatic enrolment obligations? If not it could prove costly. On May 15 2019, TPR instigated another round of data-led checks to identify non-compliance, and these will last throughout the summer. Refusal to provide information or obstruct an inspector is a criminal offence. Non-compliance may result in fines
UAE: DIFC employment law update
DIFC have updated their employment laws, effective 90 calendar days after 30 May 2019 (date of enactment). Employer-focused provisions include: expansion of employee duties reduction of the statutory sick pay limiting the application of mandatory late penalty payments for end-of-service settlements recognising settlement agreements between employers and employees Employee-focused provisions include: introduction of five days of
UK: Court of Appeal confirms new scope for holiday pay calculations
It has been determined that both non-guaranteed and voluntary overtime are in scope for inclusion in holiday pay calculations in respect of the 4 weeks’ Working Time Directive holiday entitlement, provided that the overtime is broadly regular and predictable. This follows The Court of Appeal judgment in the case of East of England Ambulance Service
ACAS update: neurodiversity in the workplace
ACAS has produced a report which advises employers and managers how to deal with those in the workplace whose brain functions mean that they learn and process information differently from the majority. It is estimated that around 1 in 7 people (more than 15% of people in the UK) are neurodivergent and this includes people with